In some projects, it is sometimes necessary to merge data, store intermediate results, clean columns, etc. With Serenytics, the creation of such Dataflows is possible without a Data Engineer to set up and maintain a data architecture.
Serenytics contains a complete data preparation module, a scheduler and an integrated datamart (PostGreSQL or AWS Redshift) to create and automate all your data processing.
Some projects require you to customize your dashboard or data processing. In Serenytics, you can always replace a NoCode function with its Low-Code equivalent.
For example, you can run a Python script to manipulate your data, add CSS to your dashboard, manage variables, etc.
We are a human-sized company, based in France, close to our customers.
Our support team can intervene directly on your account, to correct a formula, configure a widget, etc.
If required, our team can carry out implementation on a fixed-price, daily or hourly basis. If you need a data analyst on demand, this last option is ideal.